Title: Risk and Reward
Author: Rachael Duncan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 6, 2017
Grass isn't always greener...
I never dreamed this would become my reality.
But it is.
After feeling neglected and alone for far too long, I end it,
Blindsiding my husband in the process.
He's hurt, torn, and confused,
Never expecting me to leave.
His pain tears at my heart, begs me to stay.
And I almost do.
Moving on isn't as easy as it seems.
The memories tap at my conscience,
Reminding me of what I'm missing,
What I used to have.
But, I walked away,
From the man I promised forever,
Possibly making the worst mistake of my life.
I've let go, given myself a promise of a new life, new hope.
But does the other side have more risk than reward?
Rachel Duncan tackles a hard story line but she did so beautifully. Risk and Reward is the second in a series but can be read as a standalone, which is what I did. I did not realize this was the second in the series, it was written that well.
Risk and Reward is about Charlotte and her husband Nate and their marriage. They were young once and in love, and got married. Like all marriages it has its up and downs but for Charlotte and Nate, they had hit a low. Nate is constantly working and never seems to have the time for Charlotte, even when he is home, he is paying her no attention. Charlotte then decides that enough is enough and asks for divorce. However, according to the law in which they live, they must be separated for a certain number of months first.
Charlotte thought things on the other side were better. Having stayed at home and never doing anything with her degree, Charlotte decides to find job and find herself again. In the process, she meets a friend at work and things take off. As the saying goes though, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
4 stars
It’s easy to recognize the bad when you’re in the moment. All the good is erased and you’re blinded by the negative. Each fight, every moment of hurt starts as a small scab. If taken care of, it’ll heal. But the more you pick, the worse it gets until it festers and infects everything. Is that what I let happen to my marriage? What if I had tried to fix my initial hurt instead of internalizing and letting it fester?
Rachael Duncan is an Army wife and mother to two beautiful girls. She grew up in Nashville, Tennessee and went off to graduate from the University of Tennessee with a bachelor's degree in political science. With initial plans to work in politics, she moved to Washington, D.C. and worked on Capitol Hill for a House Representative. After a short time, she realized it wasn't for her and began pursuing other careers until she started writing. She's the author of Tackled by Love, The Lies and Truth Series, and Hopeless Vows.
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